Thursday, July 2, 2009

Seacrest School Students Help Bring Smiles to Kids

During the last month of school, Seacrest Country Day School students from Naples created their own fundraising efforts and purchased 135 boxes of children's character-themed band-aids to help bring smiles to the kids at the clinic. That's about 3,000 band-aids!! Not many people know that about 40% of the kids that go to the Barbara's Friends clinic are from Collier county.

Usually every time a child goes to the Barbara's Friends clinic and the oncology inpatient unit, they have to be poked to draw blood or to receive medicine and fluids. These band-aids bring a smile to the kids at the end of their visit and that was the goal of the Seacrest students. The kids love to pick from Hello-Kitty and Barbie to Handy Manny and Batman! It makes their day. Thank You to Seacrest students from all of the kids, families, doctors, nurses, and staff!!